Message from Dr. B

­Dear Lafayette Families –

As we come into the end of January, I thought it might be helpful to review the communication structures and the parent groups that exist here at Lafayette. While these were shared back in August/September, that feels like a lifetime ago. Below are reminders for the parent groups that exist within our community, as well as the communications channels.  Make it a goal in 2018 to attend a General HSA meeting or an LSAT meeting. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook or Instagram!  There are always great things going on at Lafayette…be sure you are in the loop.

Parent Groups at Lafayette:

HSA (Home School Association)

The Lafayette Home and School Association (HSA) is a group of volunteer parents, Lafayette staff, and members of the local community. The HSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group, similar to a traditional PTA. The HSA’s primary mission to bring home and school closer together, promoting cooperation among parents, teachers, and other staff, the community, and the D.C. government, and to work for the best interests of the children.

The HSA works for our community in variety of ways including:

  • Raising funds to support programs and events not covered by the DCPS budget
  • Engaging parents in volunteer and social activities around the school
  • Keeping parents informed of what is happening at school through our communications channels like the website, emails, backpack stuffers and social media
  • Serving as a resource for current or future parents.

Find out more about the HSA here.

LSAT (Local School Advisory Team) –

The team is comprised of elected and appointed members, including parents, teachers, non-instructional school staff, and community members.  The LSAT advises the principal on matters such as the allocation of school resources, the organization of the school, curriculum options including special or supplementary course offerings and specialized research-based instructional strategies, budget decisions, priorities and considerations for staffing patterns and the selection of personnel, and the overall monitoring of student progress, school culture, and family engagement.

All LSAT meetings, which are typically held on the first Friday of each month at 7:30 a.m., are open to observers.

See DCPS LSAT guidelines here. Recent minutes and LSAT members are available here.

LSAT Meeting Dates
February 13, 2018 
March 9, 2018
April 13, 2018
May 11, 2018
June 8, 2018

ASAT (After School Advisory Team)–

The After School Advisory Team (ASAT) is a parent group that advises the school’s administration regarding aftercare and enrichment programs at Lafayette.

The ASAT aims to connect Lafayette’s parents, school administration, and aftercare and enrichment providers with each other to address students’ after-school needs and experiences. The team meets monthly during the school year to focus on issues related to planning, program offerings, and feedback from the parent community. The current on-site providers may also use the ASAT as a “working group” for problem-solving situations.  Click here to read the ASAT bylaws.

2017-18 Meeting Dates
January 25, 2018
February 15, 2018
March 15, 2018
April 19, 2018
May 24, 2018

All meetings start at 6:30 p.m.

School-Wide Communications:

Website – – Our website is updated regularly thanks to 2nd grade parent Sophie Hanrahan. Please familiarize yourself with the layout and check it regularly.

  • Tuesday Bulletin– A wealth of information!  
  • Email Blasts– Sent semi-regularly with information from both the school and the HSA.
  • Social Media– 
  • School Handbook – A comprehensive explanation of “how we do things” at Lafayette.  Please take a moment to review the information 
  • Family Directory – Contact information for fellow families found here.
  • Snow Days – Click here to find out all the ways to be alerted about school delays and closings. 

Enjoy this amazing spring like weather and have a great week!

Dr. B