Fall Festival Is Around the Corner
We are only 11 days until the Lafayette Fall Festival- our amazing autumn celebration with fun for all ages. Bring your friends, your neighbors and out of town guests-- everyone will enjoy it! If you haven't yet, be sure to buy your tickets, sign up to help bake a pie, make cookies, cook up some chili or paint some faces. …
Fall Festival Tickets on Sale: Special Sale Oct 12
If you are at pickup after school on Thursday, October 12th, look for the Fall Festival table to purchase your tickets in advance. You can also pick up tickets online, save time and avoid the lines (credit cards preferred). Remember Golden L families get in for free, so sign up to be a Golden L Family today. The Wonder of Fall: Lafayette Fall …
Help Spruce Up Our School Gardens
Come out and help the Bear's Garden and the school grounds on Saturday, October 14th from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We'll be weeding, pruning, and harvesting sweet potatoes from the garden, as well as sprucing up the area by the Lafayette Elementary school sign. Please RSVP to Laura Nelms if you'd like to join in the fun!
Got Books? We Need Them for the Fall Festival Book Sale
We are collecting books of all kinds to be sold at the used Book Sale at the Lafayette Fall Festival on Saturday Oct. 21! Hardbacks, paperbacks, fiction and non-fiction are all welcome. DVDs (please no VHS tapes), audiobooks, music CDs and video game cartridges are also accepted. Thanks in advance for not unloading textbooks, outdated self-help books, ancient encyclopedias, etc. If …
Recycling for the Sake of Art-Lafayette's Art Room Needs You!
Please save and send in the following: Old costume jewelry (metal and plastic as we are creating art for the garden) Take out containers and yogurt containers- clean please (lids optional) Large pieces of cardboard (for a fall festival installation- need ASAP) Acorns, acorn caps and small dried seed pods (for our arpilleras) Plastic bottle caps (for Ms. Perll- drop …
4th and 5th Grade Basketball Tryouts
Are you ready for some Lafayette basketball? This school year the Lafayette basketball tryouts will be held on October 17 - 19 (girls) and October 24 - 26 (boys) at 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Boys and girls will report to the Lafayette gymnasium prepared to tryout ( athletic shorts, shirt, sneakers, and water bottle.) Parents, please make arrangements in …
Volunteers Needed: Biking in the Park for 2nd Graders
Second grade is in the middle of their biking unit and we are in need of volunteers for the bike rides. While we rely mostly on the parents of second graders we would gladly welcome any parent volunteers. If you are interested in a bike ride of between 2 and 7 miles please visit our sign up genius and pick a …
Walk to School Day Another Big Success!
Thank you to everyone who left the car behind and got onto 2 wheels or 2 feet to walk or bike to school last Wednesday! We had another terrific turn-out, and did the world and our bodies some good in the process. A huge thank you to everyone who volunteered to lead our Walking School Buses, and to the GROW …
Student Council Elections on Friday Oct. 13
Student council elections will be held on Friday October 13 at 2 p.m. in the cafeteria. The assembly will also be streamed on the Lafayette Homepage. Thank you, Stephanie Moore, M.ED Special Education Teacher / Case Manager Lafayette Elementary School 202-282-0444
Picture-Day Volunteers Needed
We're looking for three hearty souls brave enough to comb hair, keep lines straight and help shuttle more than 800 kids through the class-and-individual picture-day process on Friday, Oct. 20. We'll need you from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. and you will receive a coupon from Freed for your day or work. If you are interested, email Sophie or Lisa.
Get Your Bake On!
Love the smell of freshly baked goods wafting through your kitchen? Then help make some special treats for the Lafayette Fall Festival or challenge yourself against fellow neighbors at the Lafayette Fall Festival Pie Competition! The Wonder of Fall: Pie Competition Saturday, October 21, 2017 Rules: Pie must be homemade. Pies of any flavor are welcome - not just …
Fall Festival Face Painters Needed
Fall Festival needs parents, grandparents, caregivers, or big kids to help paint faces! Simple designs and all skill levels are welcome. Community service credit is available. If interested, sign up here. If you have any questions, please contact Heather Schwenk For more information on the Lafayette Fall Festival click here.
Feeling Hot hot hot..
Sign up today for the first annual Chili-Cook off taking place at this year's Fall Festival. Get your chilis ready as you compete to win the coveted Best Chili Award of Lafayette Elementary School. See below for details The Wonder of Fall: Chili Cook-Off Competition Saturday, October 21, 2017 Rules Chili must be homemade. Spice is welcome, just be …
Calling All Bakers
Is your kitchen full of sugar and spice and all that’s nice? If so, please share some of your goodies with us at the Fall Festival Bake Sale. ANY parent can bake for the bake sale and help us ensure that we don’t run out of treats. Sign-up to donate a baked item. The Wonder of Fall: Bake Sale Saturday, …
Trick-or-Treating at Knollwood Retirement Home - Oct. 27th
Want another opportunity to show off your costume, get some early Halloween treats, AND enrich the lives of neighborhood seniors? Join Lafayette Gives Back for a fun costume parade, talent show and trick-or-treating extravaganza to share the Halloween spirit with the residents at Knollwood from 3:00-4:15 on Friday the 27th (it's a no-school day). The children will have an opportunity …
Community Notices 10/10
Tonight! Eat Out at Chipotle and Support Wilson HS's Cross Country & Track team
On Tuesday, October 10th, forget about cooking dinner! Come eat at Chipotle at 4301 Wisconsin Ave NW Unit B in Washington, DC from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m, and the restaurant will donate 50% of their fundraising proceeds to the Wilson Cross-Country and Track Teams. Our high school needs your support. Bring in the attached flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Wilson Cross-Country and Track Teams. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you there.
Making Sense in a Confusing World: PEP Parenting Workshops Can Help
The Parent Encouragement Program (PEP) is dedicated to helping parents raise children who are resilient, respectful, and who have a sense of shared responsibility to their family, their community, and the world beyond. This Wednesday Oct. 11, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Kensington, PEP’s workshop, What If Everything You Know About Discipline Is Wrong? will cover successful methods for teaching children self-regulation. An interactive portion of the workshop will lay the foundation for parents to establish warm but firm limits for their children. Feelings of powerlessness can often lead to issues with Anger Management--for parents as well as children. This three-session class will help you understand why it is so hard to stay calm when your child pushes your buttons. Please see PEP's website for a full list of in-person classes and workshops, as well as our upcoming online workshops and online library.
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to news@lafayettehsa.org. Submissions are due by 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise.