A Message from Dr. B

Dear Lafayette Families –

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone had a beautiful and restful week. We are in the homestretch of the school year. The last 8 weeks of the school year are always packed with amazing events, performances, celebrations, and fun. Currently, we are in the thick of enrollment season! Currently, we only have 170 students who have turned in paperwork. Our goal is to have another 400 students turned in by May 1st! Please bring your enrollment paperwork in today!!! We need you! The deadline is May 10th. The office is open from 8:00 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday, and open late from 4:30 – 6:00 pm on Wednesdays. We will see you soon!

Beginning on May 7th, we will also begin our PARCC testing for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. These are the state required end of year assessments in both English-Language Arts and Mathematics. Additionally, 5th grade students will take an assessment in science. While this is only one data point that we use to gauge our progress as learners and as a school, it is an important public metric by which our school is judged. It is also a great way for students to “show what you know” and celebrate the amazing things they have accomplished all year. Please support us as a school by being sure that students are in attendance, well rested, and have a good breakfast. If you have questions, please talk to your student’s teacher. More information about PARCC can be found here https://parcc.pearson.com/practice-tests/

In the next few weeks, we have the start of several amazing traditions here at Lafayette. Teacher and Staff appreciation week is May 6th – May 10th.

Arts Night for different grade levels are also spread throughout May:
PreK and Kindergarten – May 9th
1st and 2nd Grade – May 16th
3rd – 5th Grade – May 23rd

And to round out the month of May, mark your calendars for Field Days! PK/KDG will have their Field Day on Wednesday, 5/29 and 1st thru 5th grade will have Field Day on Friday 5/31. This is a very full and exciting month!

LSAT elections are also upon us! If you are interested in running for a position on the Local School Advisory Team (LSAT), please email one of the current LSAT members at . More information to come on the candidates running and the dates of the elections. If you would like to find out more about the LSAT, please see this link: https://lafayette.dev.cavendoclient.com//about/local-school-advisory-team/

I’ll close out my entry this week with shout outs to our 5th grade teachers, students and Ms. Matthews-Meth for an outstanding job at our 3rd annual “Pass the Poetry Please” 5th grade poetry reading. Shoutouts are also in order for our amazing track coaches (Ms. Brown, Ms. Ratliff, Ms. Howes, and Ms. Campbell). They have done an outstanding job in some tough track meets! Thank you also to everyone who has already brought in their enrollment paperwork! You rock!!! To everyone else…We will see you soon with your paperwork!!!!

Take care,

Dr. B