Dear Lafayette Families –
Thank you to everyone who came out to the HSA General Meeting last Thursday. As the LSAT shared, we are currently awaiting the DCPS budget for the 2019-2020 school year. We expect that to arrive any day. The HSA also presented the draft of their budget, which thoughtfully builds in support for the school in a variety of ways – supplies, student extra curricular activities, software licenses, part of the Peace program, and an additional person to support at recess. The teachers from the Tech Committee also shared an ask of the HSA general membership to use the reserve funds to replace the laptop computers in 4th and 5th grade. Unfortunately, our technology is in desperate need of a refresh, and the DCPS budget does not support that funding at this time. There are continued talks in the Mayor’s office and DCPS to find ways to try and centrally fund technology in the upcoming school years. Please mark your calendars to join us for a vote on both measures at the HSA General Meeting on March 7th at 7 pm.
Teaching Reading Workshop
Are you a K-2 parent? Do you want to learn how to support your new reader from a Teacher of the Year? If so, please join Ms. Brown to learn strategies to help their child strengthen their reading skills. The workshop will teach parents how to break down sights words and key vocabulary needed to master reading.
When: March 8th (Parent/Teacher Conference Day)
Where: Cafeteria
Time: 8-9:15 am
As a reminder, students should be in line no later than 8:40 am. We continue to struggle with students arriving after 8:40 am. This is especially bad on mornings with bad weather. Please plan accordingly on those mornings and leave yourself some extra time.
Yearbook sales are here! The fliers went home in backpacks two weeks ago, and the link will be coming soon to our website. Please order your yearbook now to capture all the pictures and memories from this incredible year! For all of our new and old parents, please note that the yearbook is different from Images (our annual anthology that features a drawing and a piece of writing from each student in the school).
Here’s to a great week of love and joy as we battle through the gray days of February!
Dr. B