Dear Lafayette Families –
WOW!!!! This weekend’s Fall Festival was one for the record books! THANK YOU to our Fall Festival chairs – Sheri Lockwood and Heather Schwenk – and their army of parent volunteers. Saturday was a beautiful display of our community. It was a truly amazing day of fun, community, and celebrating fall. I could not be prouder to be part of our school community.
Looking for another way to get involved? Consider joining the After School Advisory Team (ASAT). This is a team of volunteer parents who meet once per month to talk about all things after school – after care, enrichment, etc. Our first meeting of the school year will be Thursday, 11/1 at 6:30 pm.
To round our October, we will be celebrating Halloween with our annual Halloween parade and parties. The parade will step off at 1:30 pm from the front doors. We will travel north, around the path in the park, down to the track, and then back into the building. Parents are encouraged to watch from the sides of the path in the park and the sides of the track. Our youngest students will lead the parade, and our 5th graders will be the last ones out. Class parties will begin in the classrooms at the conclusion of the parade. As a gentle reminder, costumes should not contain weapons of any kind.
A few general reminders:
- Dogs are not allowed at drop off or pick up. At all. If you choose to bring your dog, it must stay on the public sidewalk. DO NOT carry your dog in to the lineup areas or tie them to handrails by the stairs. This is rude and inconsiderate to the 1000+ people during these times.
- There is no school on Thursday (10/25) or Friday (10/26). These are Professional Development Days for teachers.
- Please join us Friday, 11/2 for our first ever Family Movie Night at 6 pm. We will be showing “Coco” to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and the Day of the Dead. Pizza, cookies, and snacks will be available for sale.
- Tuesday, 11/6 is P/T conference day, and thus no school for students. We are also a polling site for elections that day.
Thank you again to everyone on the HSA Board, the Fall Festival Committee, and all the hours of volunteering, donating, organizing, and participation that is in effect every day. Team work makes the dream work.
Take good care,
Dr. B