Dear Lafayette Families –
Happy 2019! I hope everyone had a terrific winter break and 2019 has started off strong. We are off to a rocking start with LOTS of things happening. Please keep reading for many important updates and upcoming events.
Calendar Updates
1/10 – Budget Development Engagement (LSAT and HSA )@ 6:30 pm
HSA Camp Fair @ 7 pm
1/15 – Maryland Science Center Family Night, 6:30 pm
1/17 – After School Advisory Team (ASAT), 6:30 pm
1/18 – Spelling Bee @ 9 am. We will also be livestreaming the event.
1/21 – 1/23 – No School for Students! (That’s Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!!!)
• 1/21 is MLK Jr Day, No student attendance
• 1/22 – PD Day for Staff, No student attendance
• 1/23 – PD Day for Staff, No student attendance
Budget Development
It’s hard to believe, but it’s time to start developing the budget for the 2019-2020 school year. The LSAT has been hard at work for the last several months to prepare suggestions for how we can prioritize our budget expenditures. Please join us before the camp fair at 6:30 pm in the library on Thursday, 1/10 for a discussion on both the DCPS and HSA budgets. We value your ideas and input and want to hear your voice!
DCPS 2019-2020 Calendar Proposals
DCPS is looking for feedback from the community on the SY 2019-20 calendar. The first day of school will be Monday, August 26, 2019 for traditional calendar schools and Monday, August 12, 2019 for extended year schools. Based on these starting dates, we have developed proposals for the 2019-2020 school calendar and are inviting public feedback. Please encourage your students, staff, and community members to review the proposals on the DCPS website and share their feedback by Friday, January 25.
Morning Drop Off Reminders
With the 2019 new year, please remember a few key points about morning drop off:
-Drop off line at Northampton is open from 8:20 am – 8:40 am
-No dogs at drop off for any reason.
–DO NOT DROP CHILDREN OFF ON BROAD BRANCH ROAD in front of the school. (Yes. Those are bold and capital letters). This is incredibly unsafe and not a new policy. You should park in the neighborhood and then have students walk into school.
-Do not park in the handicap spots on Broad Branch Rd (unless you are authorized).
Lafayette Choir
Kudos to our Lafayette Choir! The winter concert was phenomenal! As a reminder, choir is offered to students in grades 1 – 5 during Flex time. Day 1 and Day 2 = 4th/5th grade, Day 3 and Day 4 = 2nd/3rd grade, and Day 5 and Day 6 = 1st grade. If your student would like to join (or continue singing, they should report to Flex time this upcoming 6 day cycle that begins on Thursday, 1/10.
Thank you to everyone for your holiday wishes, cheer and gifts. Here is to an amazing January (and maybe a mild winter???).
With care,
Dr. B