Field Day for 2nd-5th Grade is this Friday, June 7th! This is an action-packed day with numerous stations based on our theme of “Get on Board.” In the morning many board games will come to life as our students use the skills they have been practicing during Physical Education. The afternoon will be filled with a few traditional activities that we have been doing for many, many years: class vs. class tug of war, the super fun water balloon toss and the 5th graders will show off their track skills with class relays.
Please check in with your children to make sure they are prepared for the day. Sneakers are a must for the day. Crocs are not safe! A water bottle, sunscreen, applied at home, class field day t-shirt and a hat are highly recommended.
During the day, students will be working on sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation, respect, perseverance, problem solving and integrity. We are looking forward to this action-packed day!
Thank you to everyone that has volunteered to run stations! We could not do this without the support of our Lafayette Community. Thank you! If you didn’t get a chance to sign up to help, please visit this link to volunteer. Fingers crossed for good weather!
Ms. McClure, Ms. Dunleavy and Ms. Braswell