LSAT Meeting Tomorrow, 12/21

The LSAT will meet tomorrow evening. Agenda is as follows:
7:00-7:05PM:  Welcome, greeting, establish quorum
7:05-7:10PM:  Affirm 2023 meeting dates and times. 
7:10-7:20PM:  Dr. Broquard present enrollment data, including petitions
7:20-7:30PM:  LSAT questions and discussion related to enrollment presentation
7:30-7:45PM:  Discuss budget survey draft and topics 
7:45-7:55PM:  Finalize budget engagement strategy and assign tasks
7:55-8:00PM:  Questions, concerns wrap up
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Meeting ID: 262 752 304 316
Passcode: bGpGWE

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+1 202-539-1291,,591267479#   United States, Washington DC

Phone Conference ID: 591 267 479#

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