Sign Up for Choir

Hello, Lafayette Families!

Looking forward to an amazing year of music with your students! If you would like to sign your student up for choir this year, please select the correct grade level below and fill out the form. Information about choir for your student’s specific grade level is included at the top of the form, but please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions at .

For 4th and 5th grade families, we are trying something new this year; a musical! Please read all the information included in the form below and save the date for a Monday, September 30th evening, virtual informational meeting. If you cannot make it, we will send a recap!

All students must be signed up for choir by Thursday, September 19th. Please note that we will not require students to sing in choir if they disclose to us that they don’t want to join, so please talk to them and make sure this is something they would like to participate in!

Thank you so much!

Meaghan Gemar


2nd Grade Choir Sign-Up

3rd Grade Choir Sign-Up

4th Grade Choir/Musical Sign-Up

5th Grade Choir/Musical Sign-Up