We Stand Together: A joint message from Dr. B and the HSA

Over the last three weeks, we have all watched the horrific, violent, racist events perpetrated against African Americans.  These events have been set against the backdrop of a pandemic that has disproportionately impacted our communities of color and reminded us of the inequities that exist in our nation and own city.   


Throughout this school year, the HSA and I have shared our vision and fierce commitment to racial equity and inclusion in our school community.  We have spoken from a place of advocacy, education, pain, and hope.  We acknowledge that there is much work yet to be done.  Although the school year has officially come to a close, our commitment to supporting our students and families does not end.  We recognize the trauma and pain that is occurring across the nation and within our own community.   


We stand together to re-affirm our commitment to anti-racism.  We believe Black Lives Matter.  We must not be silent.  We as a school community recognize our collective power to educate our children to be anti-racists and to support them through racialized trauma.  We must use our voices to talk to our students about race – early, openly, and often.   


The ability to impact change lies within our hands – as parents and families – and as your children’s first educators.  We are also here to support you and your family in this work.  We cannot stress how important it is to talk to your students about race.  Below are resources to help navigate these courageous conversations: 


Please don’t hesitate to reach out at .  Our SEL team is available to talk about your questions, role play conversations, or think through different ways to support your student who may be experiencing race related trauma.  

We are Lafayette and we stand together as allies and as educators.  

Dr. B, Principal 

Bree Cohen and Anu Mullick, HSA Co-Presidents 

Danielle Carter and Christina Daulton, HSA Diversity and Inclusion Chairs