Our youngest students are taught art, music, and physical education by a dedicated early-childhood teacher.

Pre-K and Kindergarten students explore both the elements of art (line, shape, color, texture, space, and form) and the principles of design (balance, pattern, rhythm, and emphasis).  They learn about specific artists and various art genres while also getting busy gluing, painting, sculpting, and drawing.

Through the music curriculum, students are exposed to a variety of music genres from many different cultures. Children use movement activities, instruments, and stories during classes and develop their skills in singing, playing instruments, moving, creating, and listening.

Physical Education focuses on developing students’ primary locomotor skills, such as walking, sliding, galloping, hopping, leaping/jumping, skipping, and running. Children learn how to move on different levels, follow different pathways, and move at different speeds. Instruction incorporates songs, games, manipulatives, and cooperative group activities to enhance the children’s experiences in the realm of the physical world.

In addition to this dedicated instruction, Pre-K students also take Peace, and Library classes taught by the school’s subject-matter specialists.