Special Education
Lafayette has Special Education teachers who provide specialized instruction. Students requiring specialized instruction participate in the regular classroom setting to the maximum extent possible and in pull-out services as appropriate. Lafayette also has self-contained Special Education classrooms.
The Early Learning Support (ELS) classrooms serve students in grades K – 2 with a variety of disabilities. The classrooms are capped at 10 students with one teacher and at least one educational aide. The Specialized Learning Support (SLS) classrooms serves students in grades 3 – 5 also with a variety of disabilities. The SLS classrooms are capped at 12 students with one classroom teacher and at least one educational aide.
Related services including speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, adaptive physical education, behavioral/social-emotional support, and physical therapy are available to students identified to have a disability that has an academic impact or limits a major life function.
Students may qualify for special education services or a 504-plan based on disability criteria as established through federal legislation. Each student who qualifies for special education services will have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed by a team of professionals.
Contact the special-education coordinator or your grade level Assistant Principal if you need further information.
AP Meliotis @ for Grades Pre-K through 2nd grade.
AP Stephanie Cockrell @ for grades 3 through 5.
Social-Emotional Support
Lafayette has a team of professionals who provide direct social-emotional support to students in a variety of ways. Our team includes our Peace Teacher, counselors, social workers and a school psychologist.
Counselors serve our Pre-K and Kindergarten levels with a focus on friendship groups, kindness, mindfulness, and positive social-emotional development. They work with students within the classroom setting, within small groups, and also individually as needed.
Our other counselors and social workers serve our 1st through 5th grade students. All of our providers also reinforce our Peace of Mind curriculum and our use of mindfulness throughout the building.
English Language Learners (ELL)
Lafayette has a significant population of international students who collectively speak more than 15 languages. Our ELL program provides additional support to students with limited proficiency in the English language and helps these students have a successful school year.