How Can I Advocate for Our School’s Budget Needs? Lafayette LSAT & HSA Guidance

How Can I Advocate for Our School’s Budget Needs? Lafayette LSAT & HSA Guidance 

On this page you will find various avenues for budget-related advocacy, especially for any schools like Lafayette who are feeling concerned that their submitted budgets will not allow them to adequately serve their students and meet their CSP (Comprehensive School Plan) goals.

The DCPS budgets were released and we have an incredibly reduced budget in both actual dollars and in buying power. The overall impact is reduced buying power of about 24% with a gap of $2 million dollars in cuts to be made. 

As Dr. B said, this could lead to: 

  • Increased class size

  • Reductions in math and ELA interventionists

  • Reductions in Instructional Coaches

  • Reductions in administrative support (assistant principals, janitorial positions, and office staff)

  • Reductions in World Language

Here are ways you can get involved:

  1. Sign thisDCPS School Budget Sign On Letter” written by Commissioner Peter Lynch of Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 3/4G. Please sign this letter before February 28, 2024. The letter will be sent on February 28th, the day of the DCPS Oversight Hearing.

  2. Send an advocacy email to key decisionmakers. Here are people to consider including as recipients:

  3. You can register to testify at or submit written testimony. The DC Council will be holding a budget oversight hearing for DCPS on April 3. You can register to testify live at the hearing (in person or virtually), or you can submit written or voicemail testimony for the public record, at this link:

Some tips on providing testimony:

  • Topics to cover are the same as in #2 above
  • If you want to testify live, you should register here ASAP. Check the box to testify on District of Columbia Public Schools. You don’t have to have your testimony written before you register — you can submit it the day of, or even after you testify. The sooner your register, the earlier you’ll be on the list, and these hearings can run for 12+ hours!
  • You will be given a limited time (probably 3 minutes) to speak, so make sure you plan what you want to say, practice so you know how long it takes, and pick 3-5 main points and be clear on what they are so you can highlight them if you have to cut it short. You *can* submit a longer written testimony for the record if you have more to say than fits in 3 minutes (though keep in mind that the more you write, the less likely it will all get read). 
  • If multiple people from your school will be testifying, try to coordinate so you are making the same key points.
  • Children are allowed to testify, so if you have a passionate student advocate, they can register and speak, and their testimony is always very impactful.
  • You will not be given a specific time window for your testimony. Instead, a day or two before the hearing, they will publish the Witness List on the hearing page. Check that to see what number you are on the list. They will start at #1 and work their way down the list throughout the day. If you aren’t available when they call you, there is no guarantee they will fit you in later, so do try to be ready. You can join the DCPS Parent Leaders WhatsApp at if you’d like to receive updates throughout the day about where they are on the witness list, which can be very helpful.
  • If you don’t want to testify live, you can (and should!) still submit written or voicemail-recorded testimony, which will be part of the public record. This remains open for 2 weeks after the hearing date. You can paste or upload written testimony here, or record a voicemail by calling 202-430-6948 (3 minutes max).
  1. Attend the WTU Rally on April 3

WTU is planning to hold a budget rally / solidarity event on April 3 in conjunction with the Budget Oversight Hearing. Details on timing, location, etc will be shared as they become available, so stay tuned!

  1. Touch base with Amelia French from Advocates for Justice and Education

For any parents who would like some assistance developing an advocacy agenda and/or crafting testimony to secure more funding for their child’s school, feel free to reach out to Amelia French from Advocates for Justice and Education. Email: amelia… / Phone: 202-678-8060, ext 109

Thanks for your support and whatever you’re able to do 

– Lafayette LSAT & HSA