Lafayette Volunteer Mixer and Open House

Please join us upstairs at The Avenue at 7:30pm on March 5 to celebrate the hard work of all our Lafayette Volunteers! Whether you’re creating signup geniuses for mystery readers or pulling off the Spring Auction, you deserve a night out! 

Bring along a friend who is interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities. ALL are welcome, even if you don’t even know what the HSA is! The HSA will provide some light refreshments.  

As a reminder for HSA board members, we will meet in person at the Avenue or on Zoom at 7 PM and will join the rest of the attendees at 7:30 PM! 

Lastly, the HSA wants to give a warm welcome to Luci Shanahan who is starting as HSA Co-President! Here is a little more about Luci:

I am Luci, mom to a K and preschooler. I run retail and merchandising operations for a local non-profit and recently moved back to the DC area since having attended college here a while back. I look forward to engaging with this incredible community as co-president, and look forward to all the amazing ways we will make life at Lafayette the very best for our kids and families.