Next week is Bear Fund Week – the big push in our annual campaign to maintain the funding that helps bridge the gap between what DCPS provides and the programs, classroom support, and events that comprise Lafayette’s nurturing and holistic learning environment. 

But we can’t keep it up without your help!

“Part of the magic here at Lafayette is our partnership with the HSA,” Dr. B explains in this heartfelt video that also features teachers, staff, and parents. Last year, in addition to maintaining the programs that make Lafayette so special, our generous families helped replenish classroom libraries and made possible the plans to install sun shades on the Pre-K and Kindergarten playgrounds. 

This year, Lafayette educators aspire to expand our arts and extra-curriculars programs to include more immersive and equitable offerings – Special Olympics, Gardening Club, Environmental Sciences Club, expanded opportunities for Band and other existing extracurriculars. Please JOIN US in supporting these initiatives!

Each and every donation makes a difference and is a vote of support for our school! 

If everyone who hasn’t yet donated made a gift of just $20 per month we could easily reach our goal by the end of Bear Fund Week. You can set up this recurring donation on the giving page.

Answer Mr. Benab’s call to action: “We need your donation! Your participation!” “Lafayette, the time is now! So please click on that link and go take on the day!” 

Let’s make this the year with the highest participation, Lafayette!