The Lafayette LSAT will meet on Wednesday, November 15th from 7:30 am – 8:30 am via Teams. The link is below. The agenda is as follows:
November 15th LSAT Agenda:
- Enrollment projections
- Budget planning: Including what LES has done in the past and how we have engaged the community.
- LSAT Non-instructional role
- CSP and PARCC data: Instructional Coaches briefing on subgroup data
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
As a reminder, all LSAT meetings are open to the public. However, the only meeting participants are the elected parents, staff, and community members.
Would you like to have a question or issue addressed by the LSAT? Drop your question here. Go here to learn more about the LSAT.